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TikTok Unveils Desktop Tools Empowering Creators and Marketers

Introduction: TikTok, the popular short-form video platform, is rolling out new features geared towards enhancing the experience for creators and

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Disney’s Iconic Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse Enters the Public Domain: A New Era for Creativity

Introduction: On January 1st, the original version of Mickey Mouse featured in Disney's iconic Steamboat Willie officially entered the public

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ROI formula: what it is and how to calculate it

ROI is a functional metric in areas such as marketing and sales that helps you know how much money you

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Social networks make gold at the expense of advertising aimed at minors

In the US, social networks collectively amassed more than $11 billion from advertising aimed at minors last year alone. Minors

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Imaging with artificial intelligence: how to get started

Artificial intelligence can achieve this and today you will learn what software does this magic, what applications it can be

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More than 15% of teenagers admit they hardly take their eyes off YouTube and TikTok

According to a recent Pew Research Center study, more than 15% of teenagers admit to using YouTube and TikTok "almost

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Videos with Artificial Intelligence: 10 Tools you can use

Today we will go into practice on how to make videos with Intelligence Artificial and of course knowing the most

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Understand the differences between relational and object-oriented databases

Understanding the differences between relational and object-oriented databases is important to choosing the best option. Each alternative has its pros

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Personal, sensitive and anonymous data: understand what they are and how to manage them in a data protection plan

Thus, it is possible to adapt to the new law, especially for companies with a lot of activity in Digital

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How to monetize reels on Instagram Yes, it is possible to monetize reels on Instagram. But how is this achieved?

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